zaterdag 9 juni 2012

Day 4- Y.O.H.O (You're only here once)

At this point we are in shock that the trip is almost halfway over. So, we took to our newest motto "Y.O.H.O," from Drake's song, "The Motto- YOLO (You only live once)." For any time that we were contemplating partaking in an act or an adventure, the reason to do it was simply Y.O.H.O! 
We were instructed to bring our walking shoes along today since we were going to be trekking through Utrecht, visiting the Dom Tower and a traditional windmill later on during the day. The Dom Tower is actually the tallest in the Netherlands, and the 2nd tallest in Europe (to Germany). We had a tour guide to instruct us through every step to the top--there were 456 steps total to be exact. This number scared some of us since we have to save energy to a scheduled match later tonight. If you are easily scared by height or suffer from claustrophobia, I would not recommend taking this journey. 
By the time you are halfway up the tower, you may be rejoicing that you only have 228 steps to go, however, the remaining half is done climbing through a 4 foot wide staircase in a dizzy, curly staircase.
Seeing the city from the tower windows was absolutely breathtaking. When I wasn't thinking about dropping my camera some 70m down, I was trying to take in the beauty in between my steps.
The way the tour is set up, the guide stops in different sections on the way up to share history of the tower, and about the adjacent cathedral. We learned a lot about the what it was used for, and when we got to the final top it was pouring rain. The majority of the climb is indoors, but from the time we started to the time we reached the top, the weather decided to g

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